(with English translation)
How about a riddle ? And that's only and only because I remembered the stories of my childhood.
How about a riddle ? And that's only and only because I remembered the stories of my childhood.
"Leaves, does not have.
It's a flower like a nav.
In the forest is a hut.
In backyards is like what ?
On the fields is like an egg,
It is always on one leg."
(old Romanian riddle)
Salata de ciuperci
Ciuperci de padure sau de cultura, fierte/oparite in apa cu sare, se scurg si se amesteca cu: sare, piper, usturoi, ulei de masline, suc de lamiie/lime, toate dupa gust.
Se pot minca ca atare sau pot fi consumate ca acritura.In acest caz, puteti sa mai adaugati suc de lamiie sau de lime. Ii va da o savoare aparte.
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V-am convins ?
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