
A simple Cantonese rice salad

This type of fried rice is well known all around the world. As the name says, the fried rice is a 'Yangzhou Chao Fan' a popular Chinese-style wok fried rice dish. I made my own type of  fried rice and the result was a tasty, yummi, flavored rice salad.
The ingredients can vary, but there are staple items like:
-boiled rice (preferably day old because freshly cooked rice is too sticky); I used a wild rice type
-barbecued pork (char siu)
-barbequed shrimps ( I had just a frozen type)
-scallions (spring onions - UK), chopped, including green ends
-egg yolks, made them as an omelette and then sliced it
-soy sauce
-vegetable oil ( I used olive oil)
-chopped garlic
Mix all ingredients and add the soy sauce. 

I didn't add peas and carrots to my salad. And I also prefered not to use soy sauce on it (because of my hubby's diet). All is on your taste. I also removed onion from the recipe because I wanted to use green chili into it.
I mixed all my ingredients with pepper, olive oil and rice vinegar (but I also think that, the lemon/lime juice is available to use. What would a Chinese people says about it ? Maybe I'll get an answer some day).
What's left at the end ? Nothing more than a simple rice salad  reminds me of some Chinese tasty fried rice dish.
But, it was worth trying.

Romanian version:
Ingredientele clasice sunt: orez fiert, muschi de porc prajit la grill, creveti prajiti la grill, omleta de oua taiata fisii,morcovi (felii subtiri si trase rapid la tigaie), ceapa verde tocata, mazare verde (boabe) cruda si trasa si ea rapid la tigaie intr-o cantitate infima de ulei, sos de soia, ulei vegetal, usturoi zdrobit.Toate se prajesc pe rind si se amesteca la final.
Eu nu am folosit morcovul si mazarea si am inlocuit ceapa verde cu ardeiul iute taiat feliute subtiri. De asemenea am inlocuit sosul de soia (fiind o varietate foarte sarata de sos nu o folosesc in bucatarie si asta si datorita dietei hiposodate a sotului) cu otet de orez si ulei de masline.
Ce a mai ramas din reteta originala? Nimic mai mult decit o salata de orez foarte gustoasa si satioasa care a meritat toate modificarile aduse pe parcursul facerii ei.

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