

Who knows the Amalfi Coast of Italy, certainly heard about Limoncello. Who knows Capri knows better than somebodyelse the taste of the sweet-flavored-fresh lemon liqueur known as Limoncello. Limoncello is the second known drink (after Campari of course) from the Italy's 'heritage'. Made from Sorrento lemons, it was a fancy beverage for over 100 years along Italy’s trendy Amalfi Coast. Now , this liqueur increases the fame of the cocktails, desserts (and more) who's part is it. 

Few words before of all:
-try to use organic lemons(without wax also)
-use the same cup you'll need for the measurement of water, sugar and alchohol
-sugar molasses is better for this recipe (but white sugar is ok also)
-use double refined alcohol (grain or pure alcohol) instead of regular vodka.
-filter very well the mixture

  • Wash vigurously the lemons. 
  • Zest from 13-15 thick-skinned lemons with smooth skin. Try to get JUST  the yellow part(the pith causes the bitterness of the final product).
  • Combine the zest and the grain alchohol (4 cups) into a big jar and close the lid tightly. Let the mixture sit and infuse in a cool place for a minimum of 30-40 days . 
  • Boil water (6 cups) and remove it from the heat. Stir well in it 3.5 cups of white sugar.Let the simple syrup cools down then add it to the lemon infusion.Store again the mixture for at least another 30 days. The longer the mixture sits, the smoother the flavor of the final product. I know it .
  • Filter the mixture twice.
  • Bottle the Limoncello. 
Romanian version:
Spala foarte bine lamiile. Rade coaja a 13-15 lamii incercind sa iei doar partea galbena. Partea alba a cojii va da un gust amar produsului final.
Combina coaja rasa cu 4 cani de alcool dublu rafinat , sigileaza recipientul si lasa-l la racoare aprox. 30-40 de zile.
Fierbe 6 cani de apa. Indeparteaza de pe foc si adauga 3,5 cani de zahar. Amesteca pina se topeste zaharul complet si pina se racoreste bine apoi toarna siropul peste alcoolul cu coaja de lamiie. Mai lasa deoparte pt. 30 de zile.
Strecoara de doua ori mixtura.
Imbuteliaza in sticle.

as a gift

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