Bean salad with virsli and beer

Jack and the Beanstalk

  "I will give you five magic beans for your cow," the stranger offered. 
Jack  was unsure and hesitated for a while but then, enticed by the idea of such an  extraordinary deal, he decided to accept.

Jack and the Beanstalk Mural.  Beanstalk reaches to the sky ... which is up to the second level of the Library.

I was reading, again, this story  and my childhood was back into my present and, I was thinking to honore this story with its memories doing a salad with bean. How could I do that,  then using virsli as a specific Romanian touch added to it ?

boiled yellow baby bean
red onion
1/2 glass of blonde-light beer
cumin, pepper, salt(optional)
olive oil

Chopped onion heated in olive oil. Add cumin, stir few times in that mixture then add cuted virsli. Cook all for 1-2 minutes then add beer. Let all to boil till beer is evaporated. Add pepper and salt(only if is necessary). Remove from heat and consume it.

fasole galbena, tinara, fiarta
ceapa rosie
1/2 pahar de bere blonda
chimin, piper,sare
ulei de masline

Ceapa tocata se trage in ulei. Adauga chiminul si amesteca  apoi adauga virsli taiati. Gateste totul pentru 1-2 minute apoi adauga berea. Fierbe totul pina se evapora berea cu totul. Adauga piperul si sarea (daca e absolut necesar).

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