
Risotto con vino bianco e panna

...or, how the English man could says: Rice with white wine and cuisine cream. That's a speciality. I really don't know who's the father of it but, one thing is for sure: that's a killer for our taste buds.

Let see:
1 bowl rice
100 gr butter
1 glass white wine
1 glass cuisine cream
1 pinch salt
1-2 tbs sugar
100 gr white chocolate
Heat butter then add rice. Stir it for few(1-2) minutes then add, sugar and small quantities of wine and cream(all added step by step). When the rice is fully cooked, remove from the heat and add in it the chocolate and salt.
Serve it with berries syrup and ground peanuts or as simply as it is.

Roamanian version:
1 bol de orez
100 gr unt
1 pahar de vin alb
1 pahar de smintina pt. gatit
1 priza de sare
1-2 l-ri zahar
100 gr ciocolata alba
Incalzeste untul apoi adauga orezul. Amesteca in el 1-2 minute apoi adauga zaharul si mici cantitati de vin si smintina (toate adaugate pas cu pas).Cind orezul e complet fiert, da-l deoparte de pe foc si adauga in el ciocolata si sarea.
Serveste-l cu sirop de fructe de padure si alune zdrobite sau asa cum e.

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