
Green walnuts liqueur

Few facts about walnuts:
Walnuts are unique among nuts because the "good" fat they contain is primarily polyunsaturated, the source of omega-3 essential fatty acids.  Walnuts are one of the best plant sources of protein. They are rich in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants such as Vitamin E.   incorporating walnuts in a healthy diet reduces the risk of heart disease by improving blood vessel elasticity and plaque accumulation. Walnuts have also been shown to aid in the lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and the C-Reactive Protein (CRP). CRP was recently recognized as an independent marker and predictor of heart disease. 

Amount (in 100 Grams of Edible Portion)
622.70 Kcal
11.70 g
18.60 g
55.70 g
7.80 g
1.94 g
4 -- 5 %

More info here...


The liqueur is making in this way: 
40 green walnuts (collected during the first week in July)
1.5 l of 90 degrees refined alcohol
1-2 sliced lemons
1 kg sugar
400-450 ml water
optionally, other spices to taste: cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg.

Wash walnuts, cut them in four, put them in a large enough glass jar, add lemon, pour over the alcohol,add those wanted spices, close tightly and allow to soak for 40 days, shaking and turning the jar daily.
When he reached the due date, you must make the  syrup of water and sugar, allow it to cool, pour it in the jar, mix thoroughly and then filter it all, draining very well.
Put the liqueur in clean bottles, close tightly and chill in the cellar (or closet). After another two weeks you can drink this liqueur, but, how get aging, it's supposedly gets better.
(My liqueur is in the fully process of all those 40 days so...when it's done, I'll post here a photo with the final product.)


Daca tot e vremea nucilor, hai sa vorbim despre ceva ce poate desfata papilele gustative dar si poate onora oaspetele cu finetea si aroma unei bauturi rare si greu de intilnit pe mesele romanilor de azi desi, e vorba despre o bautura pe care bunicile noastre o aveau destul de des pe rafturile si camarile lor: lichiorul de nuci verzi....caci despre el este vorba... Si asta, ca sa nu mai vorbim despre beneficiile mai mult decit evidente ale consumului de nuci, ca fruct sau 'saminta' cu ale ei actiuni binefecatoare pentru om.
Mai multe informatii despre nuci aflati aici..


40 de nuci verzi, culese in prima saptamina din iulie
1,5 l alcool rafinat de 90ยบ sau alcool de farmacie
1-2 lamii feliate
cam 1 kg zahar
400 - 450 ml apa
cuisoare, scortisoara, nucsoara (optional)

Se spala nucile, se taie in patru, le puneti intr-un borcan de sticla destul de mare; se adauga lamiia si condimentele dorite, turnati peste ele alcoolul apoi, sigilati foarte bine borcanul si lasati la macerat timp de 40 de zile scuturind zilnic continutul.
Dupa cele 40 de zile, se face un sirop din apa si zahar, se lasa sa se racoreasca, il turnati in borcan, amestecati continutul apoi strecurati si filtrati totul foarte bine. Se trage lichiorul in sticle curate, le sigilati si le dati la rece (pivnita sau camara). Citeva voci spun ca, cu cit se invecheste devine mai intelept si mai bun. 
Reteta mi-a inspirat-o Costachel cu al lui site culinar, un excelent curs si indrumar in ale bucatariilor de orice fel...
Si, cum lichiorul meu e in plin proces de maturare, adica in timpul celor 40 de zile, voi posta la finalul acestora o poza a preparatului final.)

Enjoy !

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