Aloe Vera juice

I saw a documentary made by the folks from Travel and one of the topics was about the aloe vera juice. Sitting and thinking of that pure mixt got by the Venezuelan just from squeezed leaves, I did not know how the taste of my aloe vera juice will be. And, I had done it, adding to it just I thought it would be matched with  the transparent look of sap. I tasted it and  closed my eyes. 
Well, yes. It was phenomenal.
Mix in blender: middle of aloe vera leaves (3 years old and up), honey, lime/lemon juice, mineral water, mint leaves, ice. All on your taste. Nothing more.

Memories from blog: Seaweed salad , 


Am vazut un reportaj facut de cei de la Travel si, unul dintre subiectele abordate a fost si sucul de aloe vera. Si, stind si gindindu-ma la acel mixt pur obtinut doar prin stoarcerea frunzelor de catre venezuelieni, nu stiam cam ce gust va avea sucul pe care-l facusem eu, adaugindu-i ceea ce ma gindisem ca s-ar potrivi sevei transparente. 
L-am gustat si-am inchis ochii. Ei bine, da. Era fenomenal.

Amestecati in blender: miez de frunze de aloe vera(de la 3 ani in sus ca virsta), miere, suc de lamiie/lime, apa minerala, frunze de menta, gheata. Totul pe gustul vostru. Nimic altceva.

Amintiri din blog: Seaweed salad , 

Enjoy !

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