Cam ciudat numele, nu ? Insa, nu-ti spune nici pe departe cam ce ar fi in spate. Ca sa fiu corecta si absolut in ton cu ideea care sta la baza mincarii asteia, ei bine, zic ca e varianta eleganta a bulzului de Curmatura, o decadenta dar si exploziva combinatie de gusturi, texturi si arome. Si totul avind la baza atit de banala dar geniala mamaliga romaneasca.
Cine a inventat ' Taci si-nghite' nu cred ca si-a dat seama ca deschide o cutie a Pandorei in care cirnatii, brinza si smintina unsa, numa' bine se lafaie printre straturile mamaligoase si galbene ca aurul toamnei.
Ingrediente (dupa bunul plac ):
felii prajite de cirnat afumat si picant
smintina grasa si tare
brinza de oaie, usor sarata
Intr-un vas, se aseaza straturi:
-feliute de unt, smintina si brinza
Se repeta de cite ori se vrea.Se termina cu stratul de mamaliga.
Deasupra, se fac niste adincituri in mamaliga, adincituri in care se sparg ouale. Printre oua se presara brinza si cirnat. Se da la cuptor la 180-200 C pina se rumeneste frumos.
Poti servi cu smintina sau....doar asa cum este.
Poti servi cu smintina sau....doar asa cum este.
Weird name, right? But, it does not tell you about the meaning behind of it. To be absolutely correct with the idea that underlies this food, well, I say that's the elegant version of the Bulz of Curmatura, a decadent but explosive combination of tastes, textures and flavors. And everything being based on so trivial but brilliant Romanian polenta.
Who invented 'Shut up and eat', well, I don't think he realized that opened a Pandora's box, where sausages, cheese and the fat sour cream , only good are laied among the layers of polenta as yellow as the gold of autumn.
Ingredients (as much as you like ):
boiled polenta (not so soft and not so hard)
fried slices of smoked and spicy sausages
fat and thick sour cream
sheep cheese, slightly salty
In a bowl, sits layers:
-slices of butter, cream and cheese
Repeat all how many times you want and if you want. Finish it with polenta. Make on the surface of it, some wholes where you'll break the eggs. Among them, just sprinkle with cheese and sausages.
Bake at 180-200 C until nicely browned.
You can serve it with an extra amount of cream or as it is.
Enjoy !
Memories from blog : The Holy Week and The Easter Eggs
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