
Vinete impanate

 (for English translation just scroll down the page)

Cred ca pina la urma o sa ma luati de mineca si-o sa-mi ziceti..."Fato, mai da-le-ncolo de vinete...ce Doamne iarta-ma, ai cu ele ?"
Stiti cum e ? Ca in zicerea aceea a lui Creanga "Dragi ti-s fetele ? Dragi. Da' tu lor? Si ele mie." Cam asa stau eu la capitolul toamna si la bucatareala acestor zile. Fac ce fac si tot la frumoasa si dulcea grasunica ajung. Love at first sight a fost si inca nu ne dezavuam pasiunile declarate. "Traficind" :)) intens apele teritoriale/internationale ale internetului, normal ca am gasit o multitudine de retete 'care mai de care' si, tot in modul cel mai normal, imaginatia mi-a luat-o cu mult inaintea normalului devenit anormal pentru unii. Asta-i Mala si asta e Oala lumii. S-ar putea ca totul sa nu se intimple asa cum ar trebui sa fie sau cum altii se asteapta a fi. dar, la urma urmei, ce e mai important ? Rezultatul final sau calea aleasa pentru a-l obtine?

Reteta simpla: Vinete impanate
Felii de vinete, presarate cu sare. Lasa-le sa stea timp de 30 de minute într-o strecuratoare, apoi prajeste-le în ulei de masline si perie-le cu un dressing facut din ulei de masline, sare, putin suc de lamiie, chimen si usturoi. 
Simplu, gustos, elegant si ... vinata ca o regină. 
Grozav, nu-i asa?


I think that, in the end, you'll shake my sleeve and say ..." Hey girl, give me a break with these eggplants ... what God forgive me you got with them?" 
You know what? That's as Creanga * said long, long time ago :
Do you like girls? 
Yes, I do. 
But do they like you too? 
Yes, I do like them too..."
I sit like this in the chapter of autumn and what cooking means these days. I do what I do and all to that beautiful and fatty eggplant I'm back. Love at first sight it was and I still not repudiated my declared passions .
"Making traffic" :)) on the deep and international waters of the internet, I found a lot of recipes that most are just 'wow' and... in the most normal way, my imagination took long before the normal became abnormal to some otehrs. That's Mala and that's World's pot. Everything might not happen as it should be or how others expect to be.
But, after all, what's more important? The result or the path chosen to achieve it ?

A simple recipe : Stuffed eggplant
Slices of eggplants, sprinkled with salt. Let them stay for 30 minute in a colander then, fry them in olive oil and brush them with a dressing made from olive oil, salt, a bit of lemon juice, cumin and garlic. 
Simple, tasteful, elegant and ...eggplant as a queen. 
Great, isn't it ?

* Creanga, Ionwas a Moldavian-born Romanian writer, raconteur and schoolteacher. A main figure in 19th century Romanian literature, he is best known for his Childhood Memories volume, his novellas and short stories, and his many anecdotes. Creangă's main contribution to fantasy and children's literature includes narratives structured around eponymous protagonists ("Harap Alb", "Ivan Turbincă", "Dănilă Prepeleac", "Stan Păţitul"), as well as fairy tales indebted to conventional forms ("The Story of the Pig", "The Goat and Her Three Kids", "The Mother with Three Daughters-in-Law", "The Old Man's Daughter and the Old Woman's Daughter"). Widely seen as masterpieces of the Romanian language and local humor, his writings occupy the middle ground between a collection of folkloric sources and an original contribution to a literary realism of rural inspiration. They are accompanied by a set of contributions to erotic literature, collectively known as his "corrosives".



Memories from blog:

Ciorba radauteana


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