
Seaweed salad

Seaweed is a usual term what describes marine algaes. With their healthy properties, seaweeds are a great option for a great healthy dish but a cooking style also.
They can be cooked in several ways but, the seaweed salad is my favorite option so far.

dried seaweed, rehydrated
boiled eggs
soy cheese, cubes
sliced  candied apricot
smoked candied plums 
fresh green chili (thin sclices)
spices (see photo)
seeds (poppy, sunflower,sesami)
sesami oil
light soy sauce (low salty)
rice vinegar

Mix soy sauce, vinegar, wasabi with oil and the rest of the spices, then combine it with all the ingredients.

Romanian version:
alge uscate si rehidratate
oua fierte
brinza de soia
felii de caise confiate
felii de prune uscate si afumate
chili verde, proaspat
condimente (cinnamon, piper alb, pudra de ghimbir, usturoi, pasta wasabi)
seminte(floarea soarelui, mac si susan)
ulei de susan
sos de soia (o varianta mai putin sarata)
otet de  orez

Se amesteca condimentele cu pasta wasabi, sosul de soia, otetul si uleiul de susan apoi se amesteca cu toate celelalte.

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