
Vegetable salad

From the dark age of vegetables, when eating a salad was considered as a suicide to a contemporary lifestyle was just a step. A step ahead in humanity's life. I'm not consider myself being a pioneer of cooking salads but, certainly I'm a fan of this quick and simple style of cooking.
What can be more simple than that ?

vegetable from here
boiled eggs
fresh cheese 
boiled broccoli
cumin, sunflower seeds

Dressing for salad:
olive oil
salt, pepper, ground dried chili
fresh lemon/lime juice

Heat all vegetables in a very small amount of olive oil and then mix them with cheese and seeds .
Drizzle all with salad dressing made from olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh lemon/lime juice.

Romanian version:
radacinoase de aici
oua fierte
brinza proaspata
broccoli fiert
chimen, seminte de floarea soarelui

Dressing pt. salata:
ulei de masline
sare, piper, chili uscat si zdrobit
suc proaspat de lamiie/lime

Trage toate legumele la tigaie in foarte putin ulei de masline apoi amesteca-le cu restul de ingrediente. Stropeste totul cu dressing-ul pentru salata.

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