A World Heritage Site and self-governed state in the Hellenic Republic, Athos is home to 20 stavropegial Eastern Orthodox monasteries under the direct jurisdiction of the patriarch of Constantinople.
Today Greeks commonly refer to Mount Athos as Agion Oros or the Holy Mountain.
I remembered my Greek experience as a life one, as a teaching lesson I learnt in years. And, perhaps it was not in vain.
I come today to say hello to the Holy Mountain with a painting and food. That painting called "Holy Mount Athos" is an Aghion's artistic vision given to us by Alphonse Muncha,a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist, known best for his distinct style. The food is nothing but the best pilaf I ever ate: Aghion Oros Pilafo.The best and the easiest to do.
olive oil
chopped spring onion
1-2 yolks(for every 300 gr of rice you use)
salt, pepper
ground dried chili (optional)
chopped dill or parsley
1. In a pan, saute the spring onion with a small amount of olive oil.
2. Add peas (fresh or frozen); stir in it for few times.
3. Add rice. Mix all very well.
4. Pour hot water over all and leave to boil.
5. When the rice is almost boiled, add the yolks mixed with salt and pepper and diluted with some liquid from the pan.
6. Stir all fast; the mixture doesn't curdle.
7. Leave everything to boil over low heat until the juice is well reduced .
Season all with herbs. It can be eaten as it is or accompanied by pickles or by barbequed red peppers and spring onion.
Romanian version:
Muntele Athos, numit Statul monahal autonom al Sfintului Munte, autonom din punct de vedere administrativ, avind capitala la Karyes si aflindu-se sub suveranitatea Greciei. Muntele Athos este condus de Sfinta Chinonita(Sfinta Comunitate)alcatuita din reprezentantii celor 20 de minastiri, avind un comitet executiv alcatuit la rindul lui din 4 membri – Sfinta Administraţie.
Imi amintesc experienta mea greceasca ca pe-o lectie de viata, invatata de-a lungul anilor.
Vin azi si spun un 'Buna!'Muntelui Sfint cu o pictura si-un fel de mincare.Pictura apartine cehului Alphonse Muncha, un Art-Nouveau artist si intitulata "Sfintul Munte Athos' iar mincarea nu este altceva decit cel mai cunoscut si mai bun pilaf pe care l-am mincat vreodata: Aghion Oros pilafo. Cel mai bun si cel mai usor de facut.
Ingrediente:ulei de masline, ceapa verde tocata, mazare(proaspata sau congelata),orez, apa, 1-2 galbenuse de ou(pt. fiecare 300 gr de orez folosit), sare, piper, chili zdrobit(optional), marar sau patrunjel tocat (pt. decor)
1.Soteaza ceapa in ulei.
2.Adauga mazarea si orezul. Amesteca bine totul.
3.Adauga apa si lasa totul sa fiarba.
4.Cind orezul e aproape fiert, adauga galbenusele amestecate cu sare si piper si diluate cu putin lichid din tigaie.
5.Amesteca totul repede ca sa nu se coaguleze.
6.Lasa totul sa fiarba pina scade lichidul din tigaie.
Se asezoneaza cu verdeata.Poate fi servit ca atare, cu muraturi sau cu gogosari si ceapa verde coapte.

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