My kitchen's Queen today: kohlrabi

When I was a kid I didn't like kohlrabi. I can't imagine why was that but, it's a fact. 
Over the years I've changed my tastes and preferences. Do you know that kohlrabi leaves are edible? I had no idea. But, when I discovered these,I was hopelessly in love with this vegetable.Don't get me wrong, ok ? 
Don't you want us to talk a little bit about my love (LOL)?
....a sweet and delicate vegetable (isn't it ?), somehow between radish and cabbage, with a high content of vitamin C and potassium. Although it seems to be a root that grows in the ground but actually, it's growing at the surface of the soil. I don't have to tell you about its importance in a diet(100g raw kohlrabi = 25 cal ) because you already know it. It's highly vitalizing too. It's a reliable help for diabetics by reducing the blood glucose level, eliminates water from the body and helps heal viral infections, bronchitis, cough, angina.
Don't you already love it ? I'm sure you do.
Kohlrabi can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, cooked or pickled. Root or's the same real benefit for your body.
Today,the queen of my kitchen was kohlrabi leaf and I choose to make two different dishes: a salad leaves and stuffed leaves. It sounds great, isn't it ?

Kohlrabi - Cauliflower - Walnuts  Salad

fresh baby kohlrabi leaves (very well washed and drained)
1 tbs olive oil
ground dried chili
thin slices of black olives
lemon/lime juice on your taste

Wash cauliflower very well, divide it in bouquets and boil them in salty water. Drain after that. Keep them warm.
Saute  kohlrabi leaves in olive oil and stir in for few times. Add salt and a very small amount of water over all. Let it simmer for about 1 or 2 minutes. Remove from the heat.
Roast walnuts.
Combine all ingredients on a plate. Sprinkle few drops of olive oil and the chili over the cauliflower. You can add to this salad some cheese or some barbequed kitchen's all up to you and your imagination.
This salad has just one rule: the rule of "simple" (simple by itself, simple to do and simple to eat).
What can be better than that ? 
The next post will be about those tasty-naughty stuffed kohlrabi leaves. Till then, I enjoy my salad ! It's getting cold !

Romanian version:
frunze proaspete si tinere de gulie, foarte bine spalate si scurse
1 l-ra ulei de masline
chili uscat si zdrobit
feliute de masline negre
piper (optional)
suc de lamiie/ lime

Spala conopida si separ-o in buchete. Fierbe-le in apa cu sare. Scurge-le si pastreaza-le calde.
Soteaza frunzele de gulie in ulei. Adauga sare si o cantitate foarte mica de apa. Fierbe-le pentru 1-2 minute.
Prajeste nucile.
Combina toate ingredientele pe o farfurie, stropeste cu citeva picaturi de ulei si presara cu chili (doar conopida).Poti adauga la salata si ceva brinza sau piept de pui prajit pe tigaia grill. Depinde de tine si de imaginatia ta.
Salata asta  are o singura regula: regula lui "simplu". E simpla prin ea insasi, e simplu de facut si e simplu de mincat.
Ce poate fi mai grozav decit asta ?

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