Quarkkeulchen vs Tocinei

I had yesterday one of those days that every people has along of their life: a strange day when  nothing works, nothing was right . I burned the food, I broke my favorite cup of coffee, a pipe in the bathroom has broken, I dropped the laptop off the desk, I slammed my cell in a cup of water, a headache kept me in bed for several hours ...and more stuff like these. Finally, when the night was laid I thought what can be happening more? I don 't know the answer because I felt(and fail!) in a such a deep and noisy sleep (my Hubby says!) that not any dream comes up as a memory.
 But, at least 2 things I perfectly done yesterday: some 'sweet' stuff and some photographies. Both "succeded" a failed day; I guess that's the compensation of the Creator for myself.
Do you want to know what's that sweet stuff  I was talking about and...above? Simple.
A kind of pancakes called Quarkkeulchen with great fruits touch in them. I saw a similar recipe on Tim Maelzer's site and , in 2 minutes I decided myself to do my very own. At the final I also made a decison: not to measure anything, all being added on my own taste and culinary senses. 
The result was more above my expectations.
As a review:  this quarkkeulchen is in a way,  similar with our traditional MOLDOVIAN TOCINEI. Sweet vs salty potatoes mass. Quarkkeulchen vs Tocinei.

boiled and mashed potatoes 
cherries from cherry jam
fresh and defrozen cherries(well drained)
vanilla syrup(extract)
fresh and very well drained cheese
eggs +yolks(depends on the amount of potatoes mass)
flour  (a very small amount)
butter for frying process

Mix potatoes with salt, cherries, cheese, all those yolks, vanilla extract and flour.
Beat the white eggs, adding sugar in the final steps of the process. Mix it in the potatoes composition, gently stiring in it.
In a preaheated pan melt butter.
With a spoon lay small amounts of composition into the melted butter, giving to these forms, a pancake shape . Fry on both sides. They already looks yummy.
Allow these pancakes to become completely cool. They need few hours to set their flavors in their own way.
You can serve them with a blackberry, cherry or berries syrup or ...just with the cherry jam as I done.
Special taste anyway ! I already added this recipe to my.. MUST DO list !

Romanian version:
cartofi fierti, bine scursi si pasati
cirese din dulceata de cirese
cirese proaspete, decongelate si bine scurse
sirop(extract) de vanilie
brinza proaspata si bine scursa
oua + galbenuse(in functie de cantitatea de cartofi pe care o avem)
foarte putina faina
unt pentru prajit

Amestecati toate ingredientele in afara de albuse. Albusele le bateti cu zaharul adaugat spre finalul procesului si le incorporati in masa de cartofi. Amestecati usor. Cu o lingura luati din compozitie si puneti la prajit intr-o tigaie cu unt topit si bine incins, dind o forma de pancake acesteia. Coaceti pe ambele parti. Lasati apoi sa se raceasca complet. 
Serviti cu sirop de mure, cirese sau fructe de padure. Eu l-am servit cu dulceata de cirese.
(Ca o constatare personala: pentru a-si desavirsi aromele si gustul, aceste clatite au nevoie de citeva ore. Dar, merita asteptarea, va asigur.)



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