(pentru varianta in limba romana vedeti mai jos)
I want to tell you, my reader, that, a literary translation of the Romanian language, especially when it's used an archaic way of talk, is the most challenging work I must do. Often I must rethink every word I use. This is because of double (triple) meanings and style that cannot be translated into another language but it just can be interpreted. So, I was thinking and realizing that, interpreting my own language and getting the right meaning of words to make you understand that perfect way of some words...requires a great skill of my own. Maybe a little reverence and faith will solve my troubles.
Yes, I love mamaliga(polenta) and, I hope that, as like that King of Murlandia, king called Polenta Fritta by his servants in that Italian fairytail, I will not be called same by you. Why I said that? Because, my today post is still about polenta or mamaliga.
I was talking before, on this culinary blog, in a post that's still available for read about the meaning and way to do of this mamaliga.
Now, I want to show you some dish, so simple in its simplicity. It can't be something more simple and fine than that. It's talking about a kind of Romanian dessert. Or it could be very well as a main dish. All it's up on your taste, after all.
Polenta with strawberry sauce has its origine in the cuisine of the Eastern Romania: Moldavia. Where else than there it could be ?
hot polenta
and a very cold sauce: crushed strawberry mixed with
1-2 tbs of thick cream (sugar is optional, depending on your own taste)
That's all.
Mamaliga cu sos de capsuni (Romanian version)
Vorbind despre munca de adaptare a limbii romane, printr-o traducere adecvata in engleza pot zice ca e, poate, una dintre cele mai provocatoare munci pe care trebuie s-o fac. Si asta datorita intelesurilor multiple ale cuvintelor romanesti, mai ales atunci cind limba romana este folosita la modul arhaic.Cel mult se poate intepreta limba romana, deoarece nu exista un corespondent exact in limba engleza . Si toata munca asta cere din partea mea abilitati speciale. Poate ca putina credinta si 'umilinta' mi-ar rezolva problemele legate de traduceri.
Imi place mamaliga, de aceea sper ca nu voi fi asemuita cu acel rege al Murlandiei, regele italian din povestea "Polenta fritta".
Azi, va voi vorbi despre un fel de mincare, simplu prin simplitatea lui. Cu ale lui origini moldovenesti, e perceput ca fiind un desert dar, poate la fel de bine sa fie si un fel principal.
mamaliga fierbinte
un sos foarte rece: capsuni zdrobiti si amestecati cu smintina foarte groasa(zaharul e optional in cazul de fata)
Asta-i tot.
Enjoy !
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