( versiunea in limba romana...mai jos)
Located in the south-west of Codru-Moma Mountains(the Apuseni Mountains) at an altitude of 290 m, Moneasa Valley keys have the appearance of cliff sides. The climate here is a mild one due to shelter provided by surrounding peaks. Very often, in the winter season there is happening a phenomenon of temperature inversion. In the bottom of depression, cold air that are gathered here, often goes below -3 ° C even -10 ° C, while on the high peaks(by only 300-400 m), the temperature is just by 0-5 ° C. This inversion does not produce excessive frosts, which explains the existence of the edible chestnut and the wild lillac around. Flora is represented mainly by beech and pine forests.
East of Moneasa is the Colony Jumelt , where there still is the old molten iron oven, about 10 meters high and built in the mid of nineteenth century.
Spa resort Moneasa was first attested in 1597 being famous, mainly because of its mesothermal waters with a temperature of 25-32 ° C. Thermal waters are bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, sodium and hypotonic waters , all with beneficial effect for nervous fatigue and musculoskeletal disease, as well for peripheral nervous system.The mixt natural reservation from here, protects and preserves one of Europe's last forested karsts. What can I say more about Dacian silver hoard from Gura Vaii ? It's unique and it worths to see it.
I enjoy going there and having some great time, just spending few days off, relaxing, travelling and discovering what others done much before of me. And now, let's back to our ...sheeps, because, in this story, it's all about sheeps and sheepholds' habits.
Ciorba of Moneasa, or Zarbusca...it's a poor soup made inside of sheephold, and being cooked just from few ingredients. The final taste is up on your own taste. With few culinary touches, it can become a surprizing meal ahead your eyes and mouth.
1 onion
1 carrot
2 tbs of cornmeal
500 g potatoes
Carrot and onion, peeled and cuted in pieces are boiled in a liter of salty water.
Peel potatoes, cut and put them in the soup that boils tiny.
After half an hour add the whey and cornmeal sifted as a rain.
Give it in a few boiled and ...that's ready.
Now, it's following improvisations: some people add to this soup 1-2 tbs of sour cream, just to enrich it.
I simply add some garlic and some 'greens' (some chopped dill and parsley). A fresh green chili is more than welcomed.
So soft and fine taste. So fresh and healthy option for a regular soup made just with few ingredients.
You may have noticed that ... there is not even a gram of fat. So, try it and you won't feel sorry.
(Recipe belongs to my Master, Radu Anton Roman).
*ciorba = a sour soup
Zarbusca sau Ciorba de Moneasa

1 ceapa
1 morcov
2 l-ri malai
500 gr cartofi
Morcovul si cu ceapa, curatate si taiate bucati, se fierb intr-un litru de apa cu sare.
Se curata cartofii, se taie si ei imbucaturi, se pun si ei in zama ce clocoteste maruntel.
Dupa jumatate de ora se adauga zerul si malaiul cernut ploaie si rea.
Se mai da in citeva clocote si gata.
Ciorba de stina de Moneasa e cunoscuta si in Paring si in Ceahlau sub numele de Sarbusca. Nemtenii care urca
spre izvoarele Barnarului si Bicazului ii pun si smintina, sa se indeseasca.
Eu ii adaug pur si simplu usturoi si ceva 'verzituri'...marar si patrunjel.
Un gust atit de fin si de usor. O varianta a unei supe atit de proaspata si de sanatoasa, facuta dinputine ingrediente. Poate ati sesizat ca...nu are nici macar un gram de grasime. Deci...
Incercati si n-o sa va para rau.
(reteta apartine Maestrului Radu Anton Roman)
Enjoy !
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