Because I never ever accepted the life being a trivial and a simple fact , I always try to find something to make my existence 'overflowed' by the miracle of simple things around me. Because yes, I strongly believe that the essence of life lies in simple things.
So it was on May 23. Apparently a trivial fact. Mihályfalva city of Bihar, Valea lui Mihai city, from Bihor County (the western part of Romania) celebrated their existence.
Already known as "The Festival of Acacia flowers" happened to find an event with more than a symbolic role, in which, the joy of life on the faces of children but adults too was easily readable.
Already with a familiar ritual that went from religious to a laic expression, the festival was much on the known road of reconciliation with itself and others.
What could be more beautiful than a celebration of spring in the scent of a pure white, entering your skin and leaving you simply speechless?
And then, I got the meaning of Tudor Gheorghe lyrics as an archetype of rebirth and life, in which acacia madness goes hand by hand with dew mornings of May and silly birds.
A week away, I spoiled my soul and taste buds with an absolutely old Romanian recipe that I wanted to add to it, something decadent from the southern spirit of Italy.
So that, my fried acacia comes along with an icecream, as wild as the berries from inside.
bunches of acacia, washed and drained of water
dough for pancakes
ice cream
olive oil
Wallow carefully the acacia bouquets through the dough, drain the excess of it and then fried them in oil. Serve them warm or cold with ice cream or, how you want to serve them.
Without ice-cream, they are extremely tasty too, being some small, small donuts by an exemplary finesse.
(Versiunea in limba romana suna cam asa...)
Salcim prajit si inghetata de fructe de padure
Pentru ca niciodata, nu am acceptat viata ca pe un simplu fapt banal, incerc sa gasesc mereu cite ceva care sa-mi faca existenta preaplina de miracolul lucrurilor simple din jurul meu. Pentru ca da, cred cu tarie ca in lucrurile simple sta esenta vietii.
Asa ca, salcimul meu prajit vine sa completeze o inghetata, la fel de salbatica ca si fructele de padure pe care le contine.
La fel a fost si in 23 mai. Aparent un fapt banal. Orasul Valea lui Mihai din Bihor isi sarbatorea existenta. Sub denumirea deja cunoscuta de "Sarbatoarea salcimului in floare", s-a intimplat sa gasesc o manifestare cu un rol mai mult decit simbolic, in care bucuria de viata de pe fetele copiilor dar si ale adultilor era lesne de citit. Cu un ritual deja cunoscut , ce mergea de la religios spre laic pe drumul atit de cunoscut al impacarii cu sine dar si cu ceilalti.
Si, ce poate fi mai frumos, decit o sarbatoare a primaverii in care parfumul de alb pur iti patrunde pielea lasindu-te pur si simplu fara glas?
Si, atunci am inteles versurile baladei lui Tudor Gheorghe ca pe un arhetip al renasterii si-al vietii, in care, nebunia salcimului merge mina-n mina cu roua diminetilor de mai si cu pasarile aiurite.
La o saptamina distanta, mi-am rasfatat sufletul si papilele gustative, cu o reteta absolut romaneasca la care, am vrut sa adaug ceva din decadenta meridionala a Italiei.

buchete de salcim, spalate si scurse de apa
aluat pentru clatite
ulei de masline
Buchetele de salcim se tavalesc cu grija prin aluatul de clatite, se scurg de surplusul de aluat apoi se prajesc in ulei. Se servesc calde sau reci, alaturi de inghetata, sau de ce vreti voi sa le serviti. Si fara inghetata sunt extraordinar de gustoase, fiind niste gogosele de o finete exemplara.
Enjoy !
nu m-ar fi dus capul...
Nici pe mine pina nu am vazut la altii...
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