It was like a common story. A story about a queen, snow, a troll, a grandmother, a daughter and ice cream. The fairy tale was about the queen and her grandmother and her snow. Ice cream told the story of a fresh strawberry and a red currant it met and how finally they decided to dance in joy, the holiday that comes. Where? In Andersen fairy tale's yard and in her grandparents kitchen. And, while the Queen helps Gerda finding Kai, the grandmother helps her little girl to make her ice cream from that red currant wich was blushing under the jerk watch of a beautiful and aromatic strawberry.
The end of the beautiful stories is nice. Always. And, if Mr. Andersen put his signature on the story of a 'Snow Queen', then Cata, the little girl with a mischievous smile, with her brown eyes sticked on the machine which freezes everything was counting the minutes until the strawberries and currants could reveal their flavors, delighting our tastes.
How Mr. Andersen had done? Simple:
How the little girl had done? More than simple:
She was taking a full cup of strawberries, wash them and flung them into the kitchen robot tank. She gave them, just for friendship, a small cup of red currant, a glass of sugar and one egg white. And, soundly she pushed the button of the machine, bringing the future into the yard of her grandparents. When everything had the appearance of foam, she was filling the coffee cups of her grandfather and thrust them in the freezer.
And from there, she was hearing how the young strawberry began to shiver and dance with the currant and shouting ... 'in 3 hours you must come back here to pick me up'!

Finalul povestilor frumoase e frumos si urma. Intotdeauna. Iar, daca domnul Andersen isi puse semnatura pe povestea reginei zapezii atunci, Cata, fetita cu zimbet de strengar, isi lipi ochii ei caprui de masinaria care ingheta orice si numara minutele pina cind capsunele si coacazul isi puteau dezvalui aromele desfatind ale noastre gusturi.
Cum facu dl. Andersen? Simplu:
Cum facu fetita ? Si mai simplu:
Lua o cana plina de capsuni, ii spala si-i trinti in cuva robotului de bucatariei. Le dadu spre prietenie o canuta de coacaze rosi, un pahar de zahar si un albus de ou. Si apasa zdravan butonul masinariei, aducind viitorul in ograda bunicilor. Cind totul avu aspect de spuma, umplu cu ea canile de cafea ale bunicului si le viri in congelator. Si, de acolo, auzi cum frageda capsuna incepu sa dirdiie si sa danseze cu coacazul, strigind...'peste 3 ore sa vii inapoi , sa ma iei '.
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