"Sweet like a salad, sour as a pickle "

Hmmmm...cui nu-i plac ? Desi suna prozaic, muratura e un must be pe mesele romanilor. Fie ca e varza, fie ca e mar, fie ca e ceapa, tot aia e. Adica o muratura mare si buna ca sa tina de dor si-alean felului principal cu care omul isi umple burta si gurmanda dorinta.
Ce nu se stie despre muraturi ? Multe si marunte ar zice bunica-mea. Cica ar fi pomenite si-n Biblie de catre Iisus, Aristotel ar fi intuit beneficiile muraturii asupra organismului uman, ca mai apoi, Napoleon sa le considere mai mult decit benefice pentru sanatatea armatelor sale deoarece, prin fermentare, muraturile isi intensifica calitatile, in special cele nutritive transformindu-se astfel in alimente mai usor digerabile.
Imi amintesc de o vizita de-a mea undeva in tinutul Salajului, intr-un sat care-si ducea veacul de pe urma muraturilor. Butoaie de stejar, pline cu ceea ce trebuia, erau scufundate intr-un piriu si lasate acolo atit cit credeau necesar stapinii locului . Scoaterea din apa respecta un ceremonial de neclintit urmat fiind de un altul, adica de bejenia spre colturile unei Romanii avide dupa acrul verzei si-al gogonelelor. Si erau cele mai bune pe care le puteai cumpara. Acum, in zilele lui 2012, desi am cautat iar prin piata acele butoaie pline ochi, n-am mai gasit decit o taraba cu produse facatura in care otetul era suveran absolut.
Cam atit despre filozofeala dulce-acra a muraturilor tomnatice pentru ca vreau sa va povestesc azi despre o salata geniala. Daca vrei s-o maninci vara e perfect . Si perfecta. Daca vrei insa s-o scoti din borcanul minune atunci e un plus adus meselor tale de iarna.

1 kg ardei, feliati
1 kg mere curatate si feliate
1 kg ceapa, feliata
200 gr ardei iuti, feliati
500 gr otet
500 gr zahar
150 gr sare

Daca vrei salata asta in timpul verii e perfecta asa cum e, daca nu, amesteca-le toate si lasa-le sa stea pina a doua zi. Se pun vegetalele in borcane, se capseaza si se dau la dust pt. 15 minute din momentul in care apa incepe sa fiarba.
Simplu ca buna ziua, nu ? Si, sa te mai superi atunci cind iti zice cineva ca "esti dulce ca o salata si acra ca o muratura" !

A Salad as a Pickle

Hmmmm ... who does not like it? Even if it sounds prosaic, a pickle is a must be on the tables of Romanians. Whether it's cabbage, whether it's apple, whether it's onion, that's pickle. I mean a great and good one to keep the longing and yearning to a main dish that fills the belly and the foodie mans desire.
What is unknown about pickles? Many and small my grandmother would say.
It says, they are mentioned by Jesus in the Bible, Aristotle would have guessed the benefits of pickles on the human body, and later, Napoleon considered them more beneficial to health of his armies because fermentation, enhance pickles skills, especially thus transforming the nutrients in foods more easily digestible.
I remember a visit of mine somewhere in Salaj land (N-W part of Romania) in a village that lives his ages from pickles. Oak barrels filled with what they had and what it's needed, were submerged in a river and left there as much as the masters of pickles thought it's necessary .
Removing barrels from water respected a ceremony that was followed by another one, that's  meaning a travel to the corners of a Romania, a starved one by sourness of the cabbage and green tomatoes (gogonele). And, they were the best you could buy.
Now, in the days of 2012, although I searched the market after those fulfilled barrels, I've never found on stall than fake products, wher the vinegar is an absolutely sovereign.
That's all about the philosophy of a sweet-sour autumnal pickles  because I want to tell you today about a brilliant salad. If you want it in summer is perfect. And it's perfect. If you want to get it out from the jar, then it's a great addition for your winter meals.

1 kg of any kind of sliced pepper (it can be perfect a combination of colors)
1 kg apples, peeled and sliced
1 kg of onions, peeled and sliced
200 gr of sliced chillies(any type) 
500 g vinegar
500 g sugar
150 g salt

If you want this salad in summer, is perfect as it is, if not, mix them all and let them sit until the next day. Place vegetables in jars, stapled and give them to simmer for 15 minutes from when the water starts to boil.
Easy like a "Good day", right ? And you can't be more upset when someone says to you "you're sweet like a salad and sour as a pickle" !

Enjoy !

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