Caprese salad and its derivations

(with English translation)
Adevar sau neadevar ? Snobism sau curajul fiecarui drum mai mult sau mai putin inceput ? Simbol sau legenda ?
.....Cind am facut prima data mozarella cam astea au fost gindurile care mi-au strabatut neuronii. Si, desi originile brinzei isi arunca radacinile undeva prin sec III I.C.  o simt atit de vie si atit de actuala incit n-as concepe ziua fara o muscatura de alb nobil, traditional si cu un gust unic.
Salata caprese a venit de la sine, intr-o dupamiaza de toamna, cind rosiile verzi culese in septembrie si mustindu-si focul sub paiele pivnitii au dezvaluit ochilor flaminzi ideea unui stomac innobilat de gust de Italia si de mozarella cu iz de Romania.

1). varianta clasica, in care se aseaza, alternativ, feliile de rosii , mozarella, si frunzele de busuioc.
Se stropeste totul cu ulei de masline amestecat cu sare, piper si otet balsamic
2). felii de rosii + rondele de ceapa rosie+ felii de mozarella+ masline si stropit totul cu dressing
3). se stratifica felii de rosii cu felii de busuioc, cu felii de mozarella si cu rondele de ceapa; se stropeste cu dressing cind se maninca
Variatiuni pe aceeasi tema sunt sigura ca mai sunt asa ca, totul ramine la alegerea voastra ; ce si cum combinati...Un lucru insa e sigur: rezultatul va fi  mult peste asteptari !

sliced mozarella 
fresh or dry basil
black olives
red onion

salt, pepper
olive oil
balsamic vinegar
True or untrue? Snobbery or the courage  less started? Symbol or legend? ..... When I made my first mozzarella these were the thoughts went through my neurons. And, even if, the origins of this cheese throw its roots somewhere in that century 3 BC , I feel it so alive and so present in today's life that I can't imagine a day without a little bite of this noble and traditional white with unique taste. 
Caprese salad came by itself, in a late afternoon from this early winter, when green tomatoes harvested in September  turned then into a red fire under the straw in the cellar and revealed to me the idea of a honored stomach by a noble taste of Italy and a mozzarella with hint of Romania.
Variations on the same topic I'm sure there are,so it's your choice how you combine them. 
But,one thing is certain: the result will be well above expectations!

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