"Lovely recipe, took me back to when my mother used to make them" , Judy said in a comment here.
What can I say ? I just say that, I made this cake(as a biscuit) in a snowy afternoon with -21 C, with a strong fire in my stove and after I drunk a glass of dry red wine. I don't know if this fact has some relevance but, my Welsh cake was amazing. Of course I made some changes to the recipe, but, how else?

What can I say ? I just say that, I made this cake(as a biscuit) in a snowy afternoon with -21 C, with a strong fire in my stove and after I drunk a glass of dry red wine. I don't know if this fact has some relevance but, my Welsh cake was amazing. Of course I made some changes to the recipe, but, how else?

- 300-350 gr flour
- 100-150 g butter
- 75g sugar
- 100g raisins
- ½ -1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp ginger powder
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 egg
- 1 white egg
I said to myself that a little bit of change may be great and,I adapted Jamie's option to my recipe: vanilla cream. I cuted biscuits in half and I filled them with cream.Then, I served'em with berries syrup. Great taste, more than enough 'sweet' for a cold afternoon and a must be recipe into the Grandma's notebook.
Romanian version:
- 300-350 gr faina
- 100-150 g unt
- 75g zahar
- 100g stafide
- ½ -1 l-ta rasa de praf de copt
- 1 l-ta ghimbir pudra
- 1 l-ta scortisoara
- 1/4 l-ta sare
- 1 ou
- 1 albus
Amesteca faina cu ingredientele uscate. Incorporeaza untul ca pt. un aluat fraged apoi amesteca-l cu stafidele. Adauga oul si albusul. Daca aluatul e prea dur, poti adauga putina smintina sau lapte. Ruleaza-l sub forma unei baghete apoi taie din ea discuri pe care le vei aplatiza, dindu-le forma de biscuiti. Coace-i in tigaie fara grasime sau pe plita.
Ca o variatiune, taie biscuitii in doua si umple-i cu crema de vanilie. Serveste-i cu sirop de fructe de padure.
Enjoy it !
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