Liptauer - a flavored cheese dish

Liptauer is a spicy cheese made with sheep milk cheese, goat's milk cheesequark cheese or cottage cheese. It's a part of the regional cuisine of Slovakia, Germany,HungaryAustriaSerbia and Italy (especially in the province of Trieste).
Liptauer cheese can be made from any soft cheeses mixed with sour cream, butter and chopped onions. Spices( you must add in it ) usually are: paprika, fresh parsley, usually whole caraway seeds (or ground caraway). Other recipes involve mustard, Worcestershire sauce, capers or anchovy paste. Consumed on open sandwich, toast, crackers, bagels or as a filling in cold dishes like filled tomatoes, peppers, or hard boiled eggs.
There is a Romanian speciality of liptauer made from 'cheese in tree bark', a cheese with a special taste and flavor and usually consumed with polenta.

How about a cup of white wine beside liptauer?
Romanian version:
Liptauer este o varietate de brinza facuta din lapte de oaie sau de capra. Poate fi facuta si din brinza proaspata taraneasca. E o parte a bucatariei slovace, germane, ungare si dar si a bucatariei italiene din zona Trieste.
Exista o specialitate romaneasca de liptauer facuta din brinza in coaja de brad, o brinza cu gust si aroma speciale. Se consuma de regula cu mamaliga.
Poate fi facuta din orice fel de brinza moale amestecata cu: smintina, unt si ceapa fin tocata. Condimentele folosite sunt: boia, patrunjel tocat, caraway zdrobit (o varietate de chimin salbatic). 
Se mai poate adauga (in functie de reteta proprie): mustar, sos Worchestershire, capere sau orice pasta de ansoa. Se consuma ca sandwich, in baghete, pe biscuiti speciali sau ca umplutura a rosiilor, ardeilor si oualelor fierte tari.

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