Mulberry granita

The first who spoke about healing qualities of mulberry were Indians, with more than 1,000 years ago. Recent studies have come to confirm their observations, giving a lot of qualities to the mulberry tree.Thus, consumption of mulberry fruit decrease healing time of many diseases, stimulates immunity, lower cholesterol, increase muscle capacity.
Research shows that a diet of only 200 grams of mulberry for 12 days, followed by another one of 24 days of blackberries, strawberries or wild strawberries can revive muscle growth by 20% if you do exercises daily, for 10 - 15 minutes.
For men who want to enjoy extraordinary qualities of these modest fruits are recommended the mulbery tea, natural blueberry juice or berries.
For therapeutic use, choose leaves without stems, harvested in May and June by pinching or constriction of them and fresh mature fruits .
Mulberry is a fabulous source of resveratrol, a polyphenolic dye,being the most powerful antioxidant known so far, of four to five times stronger than beta carotene, 50 times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times stronger than vitamin C. In medical language, is an antioxidant first, anti-cancer, prevention and therapy, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory.
Resveratrol is also a good anti-allergy recommended for sufferers of asthma, another form of allergy. In this case, healing takes time, usually a year, a year and a half, so, be very patient and trust, and giving up everything that fast food, sweet drinks, canned sausage, smoked and other "delicious" food of the time in which we live means.

Therapeutic uses of mulberry:
-Infusion 1-2 tablespoons of leaves per a cup of boiling water, consumed after the main meals or a spoonful at every hour is recommended to treat diabetes.
-Infusion made from a spoon of white mulberry bark and a cup of boiling water has purgative action and tenifuga.
-Fruits eaten fresh are recommended in the myocardium dystrophy.
-Black mulberry bark, harvested in spring from young twigs and boiled in water is a good remedy for removing tapeworms.
--Fruits mixed with sugar, in proportion of 1-2, leavened until a syrup is obtained, it's best to treat a tonsil form of gargle. Consumed as such is invigorating and refreshing.
-The extract from black mulberry leaves is used against diabetes and glycosuria.
-Mulberry has tinctorial properties too. 
-It is also used in dyeing in yellow or dark-purple wool, cotton, flax or hemp fabrics .


After this short medical story,it follows a little more pleasant one, since is talking about the... culinary granita.
Granita (from Italian granita siciliana) is a semi-frozen dessert made from sugar, water and various flavorings.
And again, Cata,my daughter is the hero of the story for today. She knew how to make her own every day ice cream to resemble as an ice cream, using what her grandparents' garden offers to her.
She was taking a large cup of mulberry mixing'em very very well in the food processor tank along with a slice of melon and a nectarine, adding then a cup of sugar(optional). Composition is divided in coffee cups and shook them in the freezer. 
After 3 hours, I could enjoy a fabulous  granita with a deep and sweet color and an absolutely 'demential' taste .


Primii care au vorbit despre calitatile tamaduitoare ale dudului au fost indienii, cu mai bine de 1.000 de ani in urma. Studiile recente vin sa confirme observatiile lor, conferindu-i dudului o multime de calitati. Astfel, consumul de agude micsoreaza timpul de vindecare a multor boli, stimuleaza imunitatea, reduce nivelul colesterolului, creste capacitatea musculara.  
Cercetarile arata ca o cura de numai 200 de grame de agude timp de 12 zile, urmata de alta cura de 24 de zile de mure, fragi sau capsuni pot revigora cresterea musculara cu peste 20% daca zilnic se fac si exercitii fizice timp de 10 - 15 minute.  
Barbatilor care ar vrea sa beneficieze de calitatile extraordinare ale acestor fructe modeste li se recomanda ceaiul de dude, mure sau sucul natural din fructe de padure. 
În scopuri terapeutice se utilizează frunzele fără peţiol recoltate în mai şi iunie prin ciupire sau prin strângere, iar fructele mature proaspete.
Resveratrolul este un  colorant polifenolic, fiind considerat cel mai puternic antioxidant cunoscut pana acum, de patru - cinci ori mai puternic decat betacarotenul, de 50 de ori mai puternic decat vitamina E si de 20 de ori mai puternic decat vitamina C. In limbaj medical, antioxidant inseamna, in primul rand, anticancer, preventie si terapie, antiimbatranire, antiinflamator. 
Resveratrolul este, de asemenea, un bun antialergic, fiind recomandat si persoanelor care sufera de astm bronsic, tot o forma de alergie. In acest caz, vindecarea se produce in timp, de obicei intr-un an, un an si jumatate, de aceea trebuie foarte multa rabdare si incredere, dar si renuntarea la tot ce inseamna fast-food, bauturi racoritoare dulci, conserve, salamuri, afumaturi si alte "delicii" culinare ale timpului in care traim. 
Utilizarile terapeutice ale dudului:
-Infuzia din 1-2 linguri frunze si o cana de apa clocotita, consumata dupa mesele principale sau cite o lingura din ora in ora este recomandat in tratamentul diabetului.
-Infuzia realizata din o lingura scoarta de dud alb si o cana apa clocotita are actiune purgativa si tenifuga.
-Fructele consumate proaspete sint recomandate in distrofii ale miocardului.
-Coaja de dud negru, recolatata primavara de pe crengutele tinere, fiarta in apa constituie un remediu bun pentru eliminarea teniei.
-Fructele amestecate cu zahar, in proportie de 1 la 2, se lasa pina se obtine un sirop. Acesta este bun in tratamentul amigdalelor sub forma de gargara. Consumat ca atare este tonic si racoritor.
-Extractul din frunze de dud negru este utilizat in tratamentul diabetului si contra glicazuriei.
- Nu trebuie uitat ca dudul are proprietati tinctoriale fiind utilizat invopsirea in galben sau violet inchis a tesaturilor din lina, bumbac, in sau cinepa.
Dupa scurta poveste medicala, urmeaza una ceva mai placuta, fiind vorba despre culinara granita. Granita (in italiana, granita siciliana) este un desert semi-congelat facut din zahar, apa si diverse arome.
Si, din nou Cata este eroul povestirii de azi. A stiut ea cum sa-si faca inghetata de fiecare zi sa semene a inghetata, folosind ceea ce gradina bunicilor ii punea la dispozitie.
Lua o cana mare de dude pe care le mixa foarte bine in robotul de bucatarie impreuna cu o felie de pepene galben si o nectarina, adaugind si un pahar de zahar(optional). Compozitia o imparti in cesti de cafea si dete cu ele la congelator. Dupa 3 ore, o fabuloasa granita imi desfata ochii cu culoarea ei adinca si parfumata si cu un gust absolut demential.


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