
(for English version, scroll down)

Oriunde te-ai duce in inima sau margine de Ardeal, Sfîrîiala o vei intilni ca pe ceva bun de mincat, cu aspect de omleta si, cu un "ceva" aparte, specific fiecarei regiuni. 
Cam asa e sfiriiala pe care am mincat-o, in mijloc de codrii seculari, undeva in virf de munte, la o stina unde doar ursul, oaia, magarul, ciinele si ciobanul se luau la trinta cu frumusetea locurilor si cu cintecul pasarilor.
Si nea Dumitru, nu si-a dezmintit talentele de mare chef, invirtind cu un facalet lung, facut din lemn de brad, intr-o sfiriiala care sa tina de foame unor drumeti dornici de autentic romanesc. 
Si ce putea drege mai bine saratura brinzei si-a clisei decit un pahar de palinca care sa arda gitul pe unde trece, ca sa fie apoi stimparata de-o stacana de apa de izvor de munte, a carei 'gheata' o simteai direct in mijlocul fruntii ?

250 gr brinza de oaie
3 cepe mari, tocate
cam 100 gr slanina, crestata
Se prajeste intr-un ceaun, slanina cu ceapa pina e aurie ceapa. Se adauga brinza sfarimata sau taiata cuburi si se mai invirte de citeva ori in amestec pina brinza se topeste.

E preferabil s-o maninci calda. Oricum nu rezisti mirosului, ce nebun iese din ceaunul de deasupra focului!

Amintiri din blog: Cosulete cu nuca

cosulete cu nuca

    SFIRIIALA (English version)

Wherever you go in the heart or edge of Ardeal, sfiriiala you'll meet there is something good to eat but looking like an omelette, with a straight specific to each region.
Sfiriiala like this is that one I ate in themiddle of secular forests, somewhere on the top of the mountain, at a sheepfold where only the bear, the sheep, the donkey, the dog and the shepherd were those who taken wrestles with the beauty of the landscape and the bird song.
And 'Uncle' Dumitru has not denied his talents of a great chef, stirring with a long wooden facalet*, into a sfiriiala that has to keep the hunger of few eager trekking by authentic Romanian touch.
And what better could mend the salty of the cheese and lard than a glass of plum brandy that burns everything on its way down and, then be followed and extinguished by a tumbler of a freh mountain spring water, of which cold ice I felt straight in the middle of the forehead?

250 gr sheep cheese

3 large onions, ​​thinly sliced or chopped
about 100 g ridged smoked lard
In a cauldron, cook the lard and the onion until onion is golden. Add cheese and stir in all until cheese melts.
It's better to eat it warm. However, you can not stand up to the smell that is crazy out of the cauldron over the fire!

*facalet = wooden stick made from fir

Enjoy !

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