The charm of an aromatic oil

(pt. versiunea in romana, vezi mai jos)
If the kitchen would be a strictly culinary territory, well, I do not think I would be tempted to become a conscientious practitioner of activities that are currently going on there. Maybe for some it is. For me though, no. The kitchen is not just the stomach or just about the absolute fulfillment of physiological needs. Beyond the stomach comes the story behind the food. Comes the message that, the simple food manages to convey .
And all this, because ... it's all about being a gourmet . When someone remembers about... flavor, taste, aroma, immediately you realize that, that person knows what you "talked " to the plate that you put it under his nose.
What would I talk about aromatic oil? Read-n talk as stars  on the sky are, that's a lot to say, thank God! However, information can be found all over the net. And it's much to say about aromatic oil with its applications in pharmaceutical, medical and food field and, not least, it's a pawn of the art of love because, it's an art, right?
Although I did not plan on making the theory of theories ... so better to present you, one of the absolute masters of the bottles with flavors and stories in them.

1 liter of olive oil (for cooking)
5 bags of cloves
5 bags of cinnamon sticks
1 bag of pepper (mixture of white, red and green pepper)
1 bag of nutmeg, grains

All put in a saucepan on bain marie and 10 hours you can 'forget ' of them there; just completely, from time to time, boiling water decreases. Let it cool and then slip it and 'sit'  it in containers that you like (preferably glass).
Hmm ... you already have the idea of ​​charm, right?

Memories from blog: Virsli, a Romanian pride


Daca bucataria ar fi un teritoriu strict culinar, ei bine, nu cred ca m-ar fi tentat sa devin un practicant  constiincios al activitatilor care in mod curent se intimpla acolo. Poate ca pentru unii asa este. Pentru mine insa, nu. Bucataria nu tine doar de stomac sau doar de implinirea unor necesitati absolut fiziologice. Dincolo de stomac vine povestea care sta in spatele bucatelor. Vine mesajul pe care mincarea aceea simpla reuseste sa-l transmita . Si, toate astea, pentru ca...a fi gurmand e altceva fata de a fi mincacios. Cind cineva aminteste de... savoare, gust, aroma,  imediat iti dai seama ca acea persoana stie despre ce "ai vorbit" in farfuria pe care i-ai pus-o sub nas.
Ce-as putea eu vorbi despre uleiul aromatic ? Cite-n luna si-n stele, ca e mult de spus, slava Domnului ! Insa, informatii se gasesc peste tot pe net. Si e mult de povestit pentru ca uleiul aromatic are aplicatii in domeniul farmaceutic, culinar si medical si , nu in ultimul rind, e un pion de baza in arta amorului caci, e o arta, nu ?
Chiar nu mi-am facut un plan in a face teoria teoriilor asa ca...mai bine va prezint unul dintre stapinii absoluti ai sticlutelor cu arome si povesti in ele.

1 l ulei de masline (pt. gatit)
5 pungute de cuisoare
5 pungute de batoane de scortisoara 
1 punguta de piper boabe(amestec de piper alb, rosu si verde)
1 punguta de  nucsoara, boabe

Toate se pun la bain-marie si 10 ore 'uiti ' de ele acolo, completind din cind in cind apa care scade prin fierbere. Il lasi sa se raceasca apoi il strecori si-l 'asezi' in recipientele care-ti plac (preferabil de sticla).
Hmmm...deja va incinta ideea de-al avea, nu ?

Amintiri din blog: Virsli, o mindrie romaneasca

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