Tchocolaltl - "Gods' chocolate"

Nu stiu cum veti percepe voi forma sau mesajul postarii de azi dar, cert este ca, ciocolata e unul dintre lucrurile de la care nu pot abdica indiferent ce s-ar intimpla.
Etimologic, 'ciocolata' vine de demult, din cuvantul aztec “xocoatl”, o bautura amara ca pelinul si obtinuta prin fierberea boabelor de cacao. Latinii vin si spun ca “Theobroma cacao”(arborele de cacao) inseamna “mancarea zeilor”. Nu intimplator, nu ? 
Simbol al abundentei, arborele de cacao a fost acela care si-a inchinat boabele multor ritualuri care-l celebrau pe zeul aztec Ouetzalcoatl.  Cum poti insa sa uiti de puterea afrodisiaca a bauturii amare,  atita timp cit sunt descatusate friiele dorintei si-ale pasiunii ? Si, cum poti sa crezi ca ciocolata ar fi altceva decit suprema revansa a aztecilor in fata Lumii Vechi ?

Este celebra "Ciocolata zeilor". Pe cit e de celebra, pe atit de simplu e de facut : 
2 linguri de cacao
2 linguri de miere
1 lingurita de vanilie 
250 ml de apa. 
Se fierb citeva minute (cam 3) apoi, amestecul se raceste si se toarna peste 20 ml de coniac. 


I don't know how you'll perceive the message of today post  but, the fact is that, chocolate is one of the things to which I can not say NO, no matter what would happen. 
Etymologically, 'chocolate' comes from long ago, from the Aztec word "xocoatl", a drink as bitter as wormwood is and obtained by boiling cocoa beans in water. Latinos come and say that , "Theobroma cacao" (the cocoa tree) means "food of the gods". Not incidentally, right?
Symbol of abundance, the cacao tree was the one who has dedicated its beans to many rituals that celebrated the Aztec god, Ouetzalcoatl . But how can you forget the powers of this aphrodisiac bitter drink as long as there  are unleashed reins of desire and passion? 
And, how can you think that chocolate would be nothing but the supreme revenge of the Aztecs against the Old World ?

It is famous the "Gods' chocolate". Celebre and easy to do :
2 tbs of cocoa

2 tbs of honey

1 tsp of vanilla

250 ml of water.

Boil all for few minutes (about 3) and then cool the mixture. Pour it over 20 ml of brandy.

Memories from blog : Kurtos kalacs - a pleasure with cinnamon flavor

Enjoy !

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