Mushroom salad as a pickle

(for English version scroll down the page)

Galbiori, popenci, hribe, iutari, ghebe, laba ursului .... un amestec de-a valma de ciuperci, bureti care mai de care mai buni si mai cu mot. Cine nu-i stie ? Dar, mai ales cine-i stie ? Ca mare taina-i culesul lor cum mare taina-i alesul si gatitul lor. Si ceea ce ai in farfurie, dupa tot procesul asta elaborat, face parte din preabinele nesimtit al burtii pline.
Salata asta o poti minca asa cum e, fara s-o faci o muratura pe care s-o ridici la rang de 'bun de pus la camara' pentru zilele in care iarna-ti va aminti ce usoara-i viata... mai ales vara. Sau o poti minca iarna . Alegerea-ti apartine.

-1 kg ciuperci tinere, fara picioruse, spalate, se fierb 15 min, la foc mic, in apa cu sare; se scurg si se aseaza in borcan
-1 l otet + 2 l apa+ 1 lra rasa de sare + 1 l-ra rasa boabe mustar, citiva catei de usturoi feliati se fierb, se toarna peste ciuperci; 
-daca o vrei consumata in momentul in care-ai preparat-o atunci presar-o cu patrunjel tocat si consum-o, daca nu...mai toarna deasupra saramurii putin ulei, capseaza borcanul si trimite-l direct pe raftul camarii.

Nota: eu am folosit ciupercile de cultura si asta doar din teama(poate nefireasca pt. unii) fata de ceea ce o ciuperca necunoscuta poate sa-ti ofere.

A mixture of mushrooms, fungi, sponges which most of them are best. Who does not know'em ? But, who's mostly known them? ...there is a great mystery their picking but a greater mistery is there elected and cooking. And what's on the plate, after all this elaborate process, is a part of the belly's fullfilment.
You can eat this salad as it is, without being a pickle for winter days when you will remember what easier life is ... especially in summer. Or you can eat it in winter. The choice is yours.

1. 1 kg young mushrooms without legs, washed, boiled for 15 minutes in salted water, drained and placed in jars
2.  1 l vinegar + 2 l water + 1 tbs salt + 1 tbs mustard seeds, a few cloves of sliced garlic, all ​​boiled and poured over mushrooms;
-if you want to consume this salad when you prepare it then sprinkle it with chopped parsley and use it, if not ... pour a little oil over salad, staple jars and send them directly to the rack-chamber.

Enjoy !

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