Shad salad


(for English version, scroll down the page)

C-o fi fost albastra, c-o fi fost heringul de riu, c-o fi fost asa cum majoritatea suratelor ei sunt, habar n-am. Un lucru insa, stiu sigur: era sarata, afumata si gata feliata atunci cind am primit-o, ambalata frumos intr-un plastic mai mult decit comercial. 
Si, cind ma gindesc ca cica, consumul regulat de scrumbie e de 1500 de ori mai benefic in prevenirea unei recidive a unui infarct miocardic fata de orice tratament medicamentos, ei bine, asta nu ma face decit sa ingenunchez in fata Mariei Sale Scrumbia si sa-i acord un titlul mai mult decit onorific in bucataria mea.
Si-a fost si buuuuuuna !

3-4 scrumbii sarate sau/si afumate, feliate subtire ca morcovul(sau cum se poate)
3-4 cepe rosi (sau de care or fi)
3-4 l-ri otet de fructe(cel de zmeura e fenomenal)
1-2 leg. patrunjel tocat(sau cit v-o fi voia)
(optional 1-2 l-ri ulei de masline si putina boia, pt. culoare)
Scrumbia se aseaza in castron sau direct pe farfurie, se presara cu ceapa rondele, otetul si patrunjelul tocat.
Si-i gata de mincat.

Nota: am incercat salata de scrumbie si cu guvizi sau cu sprot. Rezultatul a fost cu mult peste asteptarile unuia care nu are vietatile apelor printre preferintele culinare.Cert este ca, mereu am crezut ca pestele trebuie sa stii sa-l gatesti altfel devine un preparat care cade-n derizoriu si uitare. Si-am avut dreptate.

Maybe it was blue, maybe it was as most of her sisters are, I do not know. But one thing I know for sure: it was salted, smoked, ​​already sliced  when I received it and it was beautifully packaged in a plastic, more than commercial. Does it matter ? Maybe.
And, when I think that they say, a regular consumption of shad is 1,500 times more beneficial in preventing recurrence of a heart attack to any medical treatment, well, that makes me not just to kneel before His Majesty Shad and giving to it one more than honorary title in my kitchen.
She was also goooood !

3-4 shads, salted or/and smoked, thin sliced ​​as a carrot (or how you can)
3-4 red onions (or white)
3-4 tbs fruit vinegar (the raspberry vinegar is phenomenal)
1-2 bouquets of parsley (chopped or how you want it to be)
(optional 1-2 tbs olive oil and a pinch of paprika, for colored)
Shad is placed in a bowl or directly on the plate, sprinkled with sliced ​​onion, vinegar and chopped parsley.
She and ready to eat....right?
I tried this salad with sprats and gobies. The result was well above expectations of that one who has no the water creatures among his culinare preferences . I always thought that you must know how to cook fish otherwise becomes a preparation falling-in futility and oblivion. And I was right.

What Wikipedia says:
The shads or river herrings make up the genus Alosafish related to herring in the family Clupeidae. They are distinct from others in that family by having a deeper body and spawning in rivers. Several species can be found on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean SeaAlosa can also be found throughout the Caspian Sea Many are found in freshwater during spawning and some are only found in landlocked freshwater.

Enjoy !

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