Cookies with poppy

This recipe belongs to Turkish cuisine and all what's in it is so, so simple...

250-300 gr flour
5 tbs sugar
1/2 pack. of backing powder
1 tbs poppy seeds
a pinch of salt
1 egg
125 gr butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

Mix well all "wet" ingredients. Add the rest of them and mix all till results a dough with a smooth texture. Let the dough stay in a cool place for about 30 minutes. Cut the dough into small pieces giving them a ball shape(by a walnut size). Bake them in preaheated oven, at 180 C. After 5 minutes get the pan out and make small halls onto the top of the balls and then, bake the balls again till all become goldish. Remove the coockies from oven and let them to cool. In those halls you can put small pieces of thick jam (I used rose jam).
Or, from the dough, you can bake 2 strings (like some cylinders) . Remove tehm from the oven, let'em stay away (to become just warm) and cut biscuits from it. You can serve them with rose jam or any other type of jam. As you like...

Romanian version:

250-300 gr faina
5 l-ri zahar
1/2 pachet praf de copt
1 l-ra seminte de mac
un praf de sare
1 ou
125 gr unt
1 l-ta extract de vanilie

Amesteca ingredientele umede. Adauga restul de ingrediente si fa un aluat cu textura fina.Lasa-l sa stea 30 de minute la rece apoi rupe  din aluat "mingi" de dimensiunea unor nuci. Da-le la copt la 180 C pt. 5 minute. Scoate tava din cuptor si fa cite o adincitura pe suprafata fursecurilor. Da-le iar la copt pina devin auri.Se lasa sa se raceasca apoi se umple adinciturile cu putina dulceata tare. Eu am folosit dulceata de trandafiri.
O alta varianta a aceleiasi retete este: aluatul il imparti in doua, ii dai forma de cilindru si-l coci la fel, la 180C pina se rumeneste. Se lasa sa se raceasca si, cit inca este caldut se taie felii care se pot servi cu dulceata.

1 comment:

Mala Mustatea said...
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