SCRIJELE or homemade potatoe chips

Scrijele is a specific Romanian dish met in the north or north-west areas of Romania. It's also a very, very simple way to have crunchy-chips for breakfast or dinner, why not ?

They are so simple to do. Let see...
Wash very well potatoes and cut them in thin slices. Then, bake all (on both sides) in a hot pan, without any add of fat. Remove from the pan and pour onto those slices: salt, few drops of pumpkin seeds oil and ground dried chili, as I like to do. 
Simple, tasty, cheap and healthy. You can serve it with yogurt.

Romanian version:
-spala foarte bine cartofii, taie-i felii subtiri si prajeste-i(pe ambele parti) in tigaie, fara grasime. Dupa ce i-ai scos de la copt, presara-i cu sare, citeva picaturi de ulei de bostan(dovleac) si chili uscat si zdrobit.

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